Artificial Colours Part 1

The food industry has a long history with food dyes, both synthetic and nature-derived. They are widely used because humans eat with their eyes. It’s important, however, to question and evaluate the safety of these synthetic food dyes. There are examples of food dyes widely used for years, then banned due to negative health effects, […]

Facing the effects of fungicides in our food

Fungicides are any chemical compounds, naturally occurring or synthesized, or biological organisms that are used to kill or prevent or inhibit the growth of fungi and fungal spores. Fungi include yeast, molds, and mushroom. These organisms can damage crops, infect livestock, and produce toxic compounds. Because of this risk to agriculture, a great number of […]

Talking Trans Fats

Trans fat. By this time, surely a pair of words that brings up thoughts of ill health, negative effects, and disease. Research within the past decades has brought to light the risks associated with intake of trans fats, to the point where labelling has become mandatory and many institutions have called for outright bans of […]

Search your food labels for these dirty ingredients!

Trans fats (i.e. hydrogenated vegetable oil) are often artificially produced and can be found in ice cream, shelf-stable pastries, fried foods, cheese and milk. Problematically, those with diets high in consumption of trans fats show decreased cardiovascular health and increased inflammation, obesity, and insulin sensitivity – making it important to avoid consumption of this additive. […]

Search your food labels for these dirty ingredients!

Artificial sweeteners are ubiquitous and include aspartame, stevia, sucralose, and acesulfame potassium all of which are 200 to 600 times sweeter than traditional sugar. While often considered useful in reducing sugar cravings, hesitate to consume artificial sweeteners as they have been shown to influence and increase appetite – particularly in children. As these additives do […]

Food Allergies: The Top Ten Offenders

Allergies to wheat (gluten), mustard and sulfites, are less common than the last 7 allergies we described (Part 1, Part 2), though wheat is still one of the top 8 allergens that affect 90% of allergic individuals worldwide. Regardless of being less prevalent, these allergens are still ubiquitous in many of the foods we eat […]

Food Allergies: The Top Ten Offenders

The following three allergens, shellfish, fish and soy, are part of the top 8 allergens that affect 90% of allergic individuals worldwide. Though allergies to these foods are slightly less common than cow’s milk, egg, peanut and tree nut allergies, they are still ever present in many of the foods we eat today. Not only […]

Food Allergies: The Top Ten Offenders

Many of us know of at least one friend or family member that has a severe food allergy. To the average person, these foods are harmless, but to an allergic individual the presence of such allergens can mean the difference between life and death. The reason behind these dangerous reactions is rooted in the immune […]

TellSpec Top 5: The metals in your food

Last week we introduced Top 5 Metals in Your Food. Here is another group of 5 metals for your curiosity. 6. Manganese is essential to human health and plays many roles, including aiding brain and nerve function, blood sugar regulation, and bone and connective tissue health. Manganese poisoning is uncommon outside of industries that deal […]

Tellspec Top 5: The metals in your food

Today’s Top 5 from TellSpec is shedding light on the topic of metals in your food. What they are, where they come from, and what effects they may have on your health. First, let’s clear up terms you may have heard: Heavy metals refers to elements (the things that make up all of life as […]

Tellspec launches the EIT-funded FishQC and Fraud system

Fish fraud is a global issue as roughly 20% of seafood worldwide is mislabelled. Wholesalers, retailers, restaurants, catering businesses and consumers deserve to know the facts about their fish supply chain, including what kind of fish it is, its nutritional profile, and how fresh it is. Fish fraud can negatively impact consumer’s health; this occurs […]

Future is Here: Your Pocket Laboratory That Can Give Information About Your Food

– Original Post from R-Magazine: